Choose a theme
We created many pre-defined homepages to show endless possibilities of this product. Pick up one of them,
or upload whole content just like on our demo version.
Pinterest style
Futuristic Homepage with beautiful AJAX search shortcode element that allows you to search in pages, posts, portfolio, products and members. You’ll definitely love our unique WordPress theme feature.
Need a community website? KLEO is definitely the solution to go with. You have an unique design and integration with BuddyPress and works like a charm with most BuddyPress compatible plugins.
Fresh design that can be used to create beautiful e-Learning website. You can use compatible plugin Paid Meberships Pro to restrict content and BuddyPress related pages.
Showcase your portfolio with our nice portolio demo page. You have multiple options to choose from so your portfolio items will look impeccable.
Stylish Woocommerce
Have something to sell? Start an online store with KLEO powered by Woocommerce, the best e-commerce solution ever. Selling has never been easier.
Have something to sell? Start an online store with KLEO powered by Woocommerce, the best e-commerce solution ever. Selling has never been easier.
Agency (Multisite demo)
A creative demo with clean design that you can use for your Agency website or for your business.
Simple Homepage
Clean and simple presentation page. Do you have a small company and want a nice and clean design? Then this should fit your needs.
Want more homepages?
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Grid layouts
6 different grid versions included for much better purposes. Website can be in boxed or full width version
All the options above can be applied to full width or boxed layout styles

Also you can have 100% Full Width sections

We push even more flexibility into this,
now you can choose between different width styles of your main content in relationship with sidebars
Great for businesses of all sizes
Kleo handles all the hassles of next gen website, perfect for beginners and experts alike
Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba membuka Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru start from Februari-Agustus
Kami membina:
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan:
1.Pend.Non formal
2.Pend.Bahasa Indonesia
4.Pend.Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas Mipa dan Sains:
1.Ilmu Aktuaria
Fakultas Teknik:
1.Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan KotaUM Bulukumba hadir memajukan dan mencerdaskan ummat.
?Informasi pendaftaran silahkan klik link ??
☎️Kontak person
+6285240005373 (Wahyuni/Windy) -
This is a wonderful theme, with advance functionality of BuddyPress, simple, unique and advance, i hope this theme will win the competition.
I like the cleanliness of this theme. Presumably it would work equally well as a regular web site even if I did not want to integrate it with Buddypress straight away.
Thank you so much for your work on my wordpress ! all is working perfect … Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate your fast customer service!
Another piece of Art .. Your themes are clean and functional .. Plus great support .. I already have Sweet Date and definitely will buy this one for my next project .. Keep up the good work
Customer care
Faced a problem? No worries – our premium class customer support service
is always ready to help you.